To learn more about the new passive bonuses for each type search Unit Type and you’ll find more there. I’ve changed 6 units to Rex and I’ve used anywhere from 1 to 12 frogs to change heroes. (It’s not worth the price imo, with the current odds of using a Mystery Frogs to get Rex) There’s also an option to guarantee you’ll change your hero to Rex with one frog, this Rex Frog can be purchased in the Bazaar for 100 Brave insignias.

I will warn you it can take quite a few of them, and on the other hand it may not. (Though when you search the Mystery Frogs it shows a 0% chance of Rex being an outcome, which isn’t true) You can change a unit to Rex with the a mystery Frogs. But while his magnum opus may have been lost, the art of binding spirits was not. Following his mysterious decline and death, fewif anyreturned from his ruinous tomb.

Check the picture below to see Rex+3 Omni passives. Long ago, an eccentric scholar uncovered the nature of Desire, culminating in a tome possessing the power to control ones destiny. Rex also has amazing passives, especially at +3 Omni. Rex on the other hand benefits every single stat category (without subtracting from any stat) Lord is an exception, it doesn’t add or subtract from any stat category. So most types will benefit one stat and hurt another (between 1-3 for each level of the hero, RNG is involved so two identical units may differ in stats slightly), for example Breaker adds extra ATK and has lowered DEF. Good day.So this is purely to inform my fellow Brave Frontier players who may not know what exactly Rex type is.
That's pretty all (I think) if I forgot something feel free to add it. Of course the best would be to have both but cure is enough if you really can't Statue ailment cure -if they paralyze you you are as good as dead it's better to have statue cure than negation because they can get you before you activate the negation buff and negation will not cure you also enemy buff wipe will also make you vulnerable to ailments. Not mandatory if you really can't (well this buff is pretty common) but there is no negation on it so it's good for dmgĮlemental dmg negation -this is a must for almost all of the hard content since without it the bosses can basically deal 50% more dmg on your units if they have the weaker element. Some bosses give nasty dot (damage over time) which can more than half your hp so hot (heal over time) will be mandatory in those casesīb dmg -boosts the dmg of your brave burst sbb and ubb. Heal over time -this one depends on what your ennemy do. Lets see just how bad these can get, shall weMusic Used:Moonbeam by. For units that have received Dual Brave Bursts, see List of Units with Dual. Man, have I been on a TRIP with looking into what tier lists exist for Brave Frontier. Note that units may be listed more than once, which indicates that they have received multiple unit updates since their initial release. This list includes all units that have received changes to their unit abilities. While metagame information will be in agreement, overall value of units may not be. Disclaimer: These rankings are still independent of u/BFLMP’s analysis information. Please refer to u/BFLMP’s linked unit analysis for metagame information. See Past Special Events for a list of Vortex events that have happened in the past. Reason: List of changes will come at a later date. Please refer to The Brave Frontier Wiki for general unit stats. If a Vortex event is not here, it is likely not available at the moment.

Stats buff -for hard content, it's ok to not have atk buff but do get some def and def relative to other stats See also: Permanent Events, Guild Events, Frontier Hunter, Raid Battle The following events are all ongoing events in Brave Frontier. Spark dmg -most hard content bosses have elemental or crit dmg negation but I rarely see spark dmg negation so it will be your main source of dmgīb on spark -might be a little less important than bb on hit, it is still a good way to fill bb gauge Mitigation -extra important the only moment you do not need it might be for frontier hunter where dmg is everythingīb on hit -for hard content, you can still do fine without bb over time or instafill bb but NEVER forget bb on hit since it will be the main source of bb for the battle